“The Bissell Family’s Contributions to the American Revolution” with Damien Cregeau
Hybrid Program: In-person and via Zoom
In person: Hartford-Evergreen Masonic Lodge #88
Pre-registration required by Friday, September 23. Register at https://dfaw.org/events/
The PowerPoint slideshow will open with a brief overview of the evidence supporting Israel Bissell as one of several riders to bring the news of Lexington and Concord to the patriot leaders of eastern Connecticut in April of 1775. The talk will focus on the heroic service of Sergeant Daniel Bissell. He was from Windsor and served primarily in the 5th Connecticut Regiment. Later in the war he served behind enemy lines as a spy in British-held New York City for 13 months before he was able to return to the Continental Army. He was one of only three known recipients of the Badge of Military Merit created and awarded by General George Washington near the end of the war in 1783. All three recipients were from Connecticut.